Brand AI. New Dialogue is a secure AI for your online store

Artificial intelligence is changing how brands and marketing teams operate. Whether you're exploring AI for the first time or now looking at options to enhance your customer experience using off-the-shelf AI Tools. New Dialogue AI offers a simple solution that you can plug into your store and allow your audience to chat with your store.

Make Your Brand Stand Out with a Personalized AI from New Dialogue

Why Choose New Dialogue AI?

Ownership of your content - your digital assets and knowledge are your digital existence. New Dialogue AI is a private AI that doesn’t learn from your knowledge. 

AI in your own cloud - New Dialogue provides an enterprise version that can be deployed to your own cloud. Your proprietary information; future product strategies, upcoming marketing campaigns, customer insights and more remain secure, on your server using a private AI like New Dialogue. You control your data's storage and processing, providing real peace of mind.

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Tailored Brand Voice - Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity. New Dialogue AI is a content curator that reflects your unique brand voice. By leveraging your past campaigns and copy, it ensures every piece of content aligns with your established messaging, boosting cohesion and brand recognition across all channels.

Combining Human and AI Insights - Luxury brands face the challenge of integrating technology without losing the personal touch that enhances customer experiences. New Dialogue AI combines AI's strengths with your team's creativity, ensuring that the human touch remains front and center in your brand’s interactions.

Transforming Marketing Campaigns with New Dialogue AI

Leveraging AI for a Skincare Campaign
Imagine launching a new skincare product. New Dialogue AI analyzes your past campaigns, customer feedback, product details, and market research to generate valuable insights. It’s like having a data scientist and a marketing guru rolled into one.

Creating a Social Media Campaign - Ask New Dialogue AI; "Create a social media campaign based on our best-performing campaign from last month." The result? Social media posts, hashtags, and engagement strategies that mirror your previous successes, ensuring consistency and maximizing impact.

Writing a Launch Strategy - Need a comprehensive plan for a product launch? New Dialogue AI provides a full strategy, from pre-launch teasers to influencer partnerships and launch day activities, ensuring you cover all bases for a successful introduction.

Crafting a Brand Story - Want to create a compelling narrative for your new product? New Dialogue AI can help write a brand story that highlights your product’s unique ingredients and benefits, creating an emotional connection with your audience.

Generating Video Scripts - Need engaging video scripts for your new product? New Dialogue AI will write scripts that reflect your brand's style, highlighting key points and effective calls-to-action. Whether it’s an explainer video, customer testimonial, or product demo, the AI ensures the scripts align with your brand message.

What Makes New Dialogue AI Stand Out

Plan and execute perfect campaigns with New Dialogue AI for Brands. This tool generates campaign ideas tailored to your brand, using your existing content.
  1. Turning Business Documentation into fresh new content New Dialogue AI accesses your documentation, guidelines, and past campaigns to generate new  custom, brand-consistent content, ensuring your unique voice and messaging are maintained across all communications.
  2. Deploy New Dialogue AI to your Cloud - Hosted within your own private tenancy, New Dialogue AI ensures your knowledge remains private and secure.
  3. Efficiency and Productivity - New Dialogue AI automates the content creation process, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives and creative tasks. It handles large volumes of content efficiently, making it easier to scale your marketing efforts.
  4. Enhanced Personalization - Generate content that is highly personalized to your brand’s specific needs and guidelines, improving customer engagement and satisfaction.
  5. Semantic Search Capabilities - New Dialogue AI offers advanced semantic search, allowing you to chat with your content and receive expert-level results. This feature helps in retrieving precise information from your document collection, enhancing knowledge management and efficiency.
  6. Integration with Zapier - Seamlessly connect New Dialogue AI with your favorite apps through Zapier. This integration automates the sharing of AI-generated insights across different platforms, streamlining workflows and improving productivity.
  7. Embedding AI Chat - Extend the functionality of New Dialogue AI by embedding AI Chat directly into your intranet or website. This feature supports both your team and customers by providing instant, contextual responses, elevating the overall user experience.
New Dialogue AI Chat uses your content to provide instant answers for all your marketing, brand, and service needs.

How Brands Are Using AI Today

Example of AI Use in Luxury Brands

Deloitte released a report highlighting how top luxury retailers use AI to create highly personalized experiences. For instance, luxury brand Gucci uses AI in its global client service network to generate responses in the distinctive 'Guccified' brand tone, helping advisors better assist customers. Deloitte research shows that 52% of retailers plan to use GenAI in the next 12 months for content creation for publications and reports, and 25% plan to use it for brand campaigns and marketing.

Gucci's Use of AI for On-Brand Customer Responses

Gucci's client advisors use AI to help them respond to customers in a more 'Guccified' tone, keeping everything on brand. The AI suggests conversation responses that advisors can:

  • Use directly
  • Tweak to add their own personality
  • Ensure a real human touch within Gucci's brand framework

New Dialogue AI for Brand Consistency

Similarly, New Dialogue AI offers innovative solutions to enhance brand consistency and customer interactions. It can be hosted on a private cloud, ensuring data security while providing tailored responses in a brand's unique voice. This makes it a valuable tool for training new team members, as it helps them quickly learn to respond in the brand's tone and voice, making it second nature.

Tools That Speed Up Learning

New Dialogue AI is a game-changer for hiring and onboarding new team members. Training them to respond in the right brand voice, understand products, and provide excellent service used to take a lot of time. With New Dialogue AI Chat, the learning curve is shortened as new team members can quickly get responses and answers to reply to customers in your brand's tone and voice, making it almost second nature.

New Dialogue AI also generates custom, brand-consistent content, ensuring that new team members can maintain the brand's unique voice and messaging right from the start. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures a consistent brand experience for customers.

What to Look for in an AI Solution for Your Brand

  • Data Security: Ensure the AI solution can be hosted on your private cloud to keep your sensitive information secure.
  • Customizability: The AI should adapt to your brand’s unique voice and style, leveraging past campaigns and content.
  • Ease of Integration: Look for AI tools that integrate smoothly with your existing systems without disrupting workflows.
  • Scalability: Choose a solution that can grow with your business, handling increased content demands effortlessly.
  • User Control: Ensure only authorized team members can access sensitive information, enhancing security and compliance.

Embrace the Future with New Dialogue AI

As you explore AI for your brand and marketing, it's essential to choose a solution that protects your proprietary strategies and confidential information.

Here’s why New Dialogue AI is the ideal choice for your brand:

  • Data Privacy and Security: Hosted on your private cloud, ensuring your sensitive information remains secure.
  • Tailored Brand Voice: Customized to reflect your brand’s unique voice, maintaining consistency across all communications.
  • Controlled Access: Ensures only authorized personnel can access specific information.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with your existing systems.
  • Scalability: Designed to grow with your business, handling increased demands effortlessly.
  • The AI Doesn’t Use Your Data to Learn: New Dialogue AI does not use your data to train itself, ensuring your confidential information remains exclusive to you and your team.

Ready to explore how AI can transform your marketing strategy and safeguard your brand’s data?

Discover how New Dialogue AI can revolutionize your content creation and drive your brand forward.

Sign up for a free trial now or request a demo to see New Dialogue AI in action.

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